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Fancy playing Minecraft survival mode, it is so simple?
Fancy playing Minecraft survival mode, it is so simple?
17 Mar,2022
Fancy playing Minecraft survival mode, it is so simple?

Like to play Minecraft partners should know that Minecraft has a very large number of ways to play, the most popular small guess should be the traditional survival mode, that since it is survival mode, I think different players survival tips are also varied and different, then today we will talk about the big guys in survival mode inventory out of a variety of tips it.

First, whether you are full level big brother or just playing the new players, just enter the first day of survival mode, is certainly difficult, in case you are unlucky birth point is not ideal, it is more difficult, generally most of the newcomers are directly sleep underground, and experienced veteran players into survival mode new world, in the first day of the day is certainly crazy chopping trees, shaving stones, collect food, to the night, the If you are lucky enough to have wool with you, then build a bed to spend the night peacefully, if not, just build a matchbox to dig the mine. By the way, mention here, the first night directly to the wild cave exploration is a very dangerous and inefficient behavior, not to mention the number of monsters encountered, if you can not fight accidentally GG, but also to start over is the most collapse, so in order to their own safety or honestly plan a pit in the following digging waiting through the first night, after all, alive to have output well.

Secondly, although the terrain in the game is not as complex as in reality, but still avoid some small pathfinder will be lost in the game, so it is still necessary to quickly identify the direction. Generally speaking, want to go out to explore, it is best to do a sign at the door, such as taking a stone to build a tower, and then use the map and torch to mark the route along the way, here by the way to teach you a trick to quickly identify the direction of the map, that is, look at the location of the sun Oh! According to the map and the direction of the sun can be accurate to find the way home, if there is a deviation is generally not too big, this point is similar to the real world ~ ~

Third, according to the color of the grass cube to determine the biota, the entire Minecraft continent, excluding special terrain like mushroom island, ice cone, clay mountain, the rest of the group can basically be divided into five categories, swamp, coniferous forest, forest, plains, desert, not to mention the desert, the remaining four biota are basically all grass cube children, how to distinguish it? In fact, the method is very simple, in fact, a little careful observation is not difficult to find MC in each group of grass cubes are not the same color, especially in the junction of the two terrains, it is more obvious.

Fourth, the rapid collection of cubes, in the original version of survival mode, the process of building party to collect materials is certainly extremely boring and tedious, but if you open cheats with the creation mode and lost the original meaning, then this time it is the turn of our tool man, no, should be the tool Creeper came out, since the MC1.14 version update, Creeper explosion after the terrain dropped Number, basically you can say is 99%, so that if you encounter Creeper in the process of collecting materials, then congratulations, you get a free tool man.

Fifth, vertical mining, here the vertical mining is not a draft a grid square on the vertical rush down the kind, here the vertical mining is to stand in the middle of the two square position, left and right horizontal planing, both efficient and safe, because even if next to that grid square below is a vacuum, but also not afraid to fall down and die, and everyone in the exploration of the ruins of this method is also applicable to the same.

Well, say so practical tips, there is no feeling that survival mode but so, they have and can, quickly go to the game experience a bar, five minutes later you will come back to thank the editor.

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