Arcade Games
Arcade Hole
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Casual puzzle iOS Android boys girls simple
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This game has many advantages and disadvantages. Some of them are listed below. So let’s have a look at it from below.
  • Advantages
  • 1

    The game has brightly colored props, cartoon style, each prop has a unique shape, and each level is designed with different colors and shapes of props.
  • 2

    Each level in the game has a unique ground, the game has a wide range of patterns to match, so that the game produces a richer visual effect.
  • Disadvantages
  • 1

    There are more pop-up ads in the game and they will be forced to play.
  • 2

    Some players can't open the game interface after updating the game, and the game occasionally lags.
  • 3

    The levels are very repetitive and the game has fewer unique and more varied items,
  • 4

    The game becomes laggy in the later levels.
If you are a fan of devouring, then you will also enjoy this Arcade Hole casual game, where you will control a black hole to devour all the items on the screen by converting the items you devour into money, the black hole feels never ending and will allow you to keep devouring other items in the game, not devouring houses here, but some unique items, each level in the game Each level in the game has a different item, they have at least three different colors and shapes of items, the game has a very straightforward concept as the basis. The goal of each player here is to devour as many items as possible, but in the first part of the game you may only absorb a small number of items you have to convert them into money, and then after absorbing the money is your reward, you can slowly devour more items and become the biggest player. If you are a fan of devouring, then you will also enjoy this Arcade Hole casual game, where you will control a black hole to devour all the items on the screen by converting the items you devour into money, the black hole feels never ending and will allow you to keep devouring other items in the game, not devouring houses here, but some unique items, each level in the game Each level in the game has a different item, they have at least three different colors and shapes of items, the game has a very straightforward concept as the basis. The goal of each player here is to devour as many items as possible, but in the first part of the game you may only absorb a small number of items you have to convert them into money, and then after absorbing the money is your reward, you can slowly devour more items and become the biggest player. The gameplay of this game is the same as other devouring games in nature, but this game is not blindly devouring, that is to say, in this game, there is a clear goal, that is, as much as possible to devour the items to convert them into money. You can do this by devouring or absorbing anything in the game as long as you turn them into money and make your hole grow and expand. But when you expand, you will be able to absorb the whole big items, in this game you have to consider the speed of movement and gain, you can make your improving your gain as the goal of the game, you will become very addictive in this casual game. When you get hooked on this game, you will spend your boring days with this game, so make sure you don't miss this Arcade Hole easily.
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Rollic Games
Latest Version:
2022-07-08 00:00:00
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