Music Games
Magic Tiles 3
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Casual puzzle Music Piano iOS Android
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This game has many advantages and disadvantages. Some of them are listed below. So let’s have a look at it from below.
  • Advantages
  • 1

    simple, bright and comfortable graphic colour scheme.
  • 2

    Easy to use, easy to learn, realistic sound quality and an authentic gaming experience.
  • 3

    The game features a wide variety of songs from many different artists and is constantly updated in real time.
  • 4

    Once you have completed a level, the next level will be faster than the previous one, meaning the difficulty will increase, adding to the playability of the game and making it less one-dimensional.
  • Disadvantages
  • 1

    Overall, the game is good, but when a lot of ads are put together, it very much detracts from the gaming experience.
  • 2

    it even sometimes causes the game to black out or quit due to the frequent appearance of ads.
  • 3

    There is a delay during the game which can greatly reduce the speed and stability of the game.
  • 4

    There are several songs where the rhythm is out of sync with the appearance of the piano blocks.
Game Player
The Percentage of male and female gamers
The Percentage of male gamers
The Percentage of male gamers
The majority of gamers are age
Under 24 years old
24 to 30 years old
31 to 35 years old
36 to 40 years old
Over 41 years old
A Favorite Game For 18 to 23 years old
Ages 18 to 23 are the youngest players
A Favorite Game For 24 to 30 years old
Ages 24 to 30 are the youngest players
A Favorite Game For 31 to 40 years old
Ages 31 to 40 are the youngest players
A Favorite Game For 41 to 50 years old
Ages 41 to 50 are the youngest players
A Favorite Game For 50+ years old
Ages 50+ are the youngest players
Feel like a professional pianist as you go on an all-new advent with Magic Tiles 3! Playing piano in real life requires getting familiarized with notes and undergoing a lot of practice. Perhaps that's the main reason why people love the thought of being able to play by just tapping. Magic Tiles 3 is an excellent example of this games where players can play like a professional without the need for musical skills. The game Magic Tiles 3 focuses on rhythm, and you have to play it by tapping on various musical tones as they slide down your screen. The tough aspect would be that the notes travel remarkably fast, and all it takes is one mistake for you to be sent all the way back to the start of the song. Key Goal of The Game ;The goal of playing Magic Tiles 3 is to reach an excellent playing rate. This is indicated by the stars that you can get by reaching a certain duration of the music. Overall, there are three stars that you can get and three crowns that are truly difficult to achieve. You will need to fight against the speed of tones appearing on your screen. The theme of the Game :Amanoes is the company involved in the development and release of Magic Tiles 3, which falls under the category of musical games. It allows you to perform a variety of piano pieces as if you were an expert by simply hitting the keys. This game features a variety of popular songs that you can play, like "How You Like That" by BlackPink and "At My Worst" by PinkSweats, and other songs added regularly. Main Mechanics of the Game :The gameplay of Magic Tiles 3 is straightforward and easy to understand. You simply need to touch all of the black tiles on your screen while avoiding touching any white ones. During gameplay, you might run into a few obstacles, such as the tiles moving at a faster rate than you anticipated or the appearance of distractions that could cause you to lose concentration. However, if you play it often enough, it will become much easier to understand. This game improves your ability to concentrate, your reflexes, and your timing. Features :1、Play the game with the new hit music, which ought to be music that you've always been into.2、As you tap each black tile on the screen, you'll be treated to a piano sound that's incredibly authentic.3、New versions feature even more blazing music that you are certain to adore.4、We encourage a wide variety of musical styles, including electronic dance music (EDM), pop, classical, Latin, country, and more. VIP Features 1、o disturbance and advertisements will appear on the screen. 2、You can revive and play non-stop. You are immortal. 3、You can unlock all the over 5000 songs that are available for use.
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Latest Version:
2022-05-31 00:00:00
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