Role Playing Games
Stardew Valley
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Stardew Valley RPG simulation Farm Android iOS
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of this game
This game has many advantages and disadvantages. Some of them are listed below. So let’s have a look at it from below.
  • Advantages
  • 1

    Stardew Valley is a pixel-based game that has attracted many gamers with its nostalgic retro style of gameplay.
  • 2

    Perfectly combining farm simulation with RPG elements, the game is rich and playable with over 50+ hours of gameplay and new mobile specific features.
  • 3

    There are no in-app purchases.
  • Disadvantages
  • 1

    The gameplay does not get innovative, almost a layer of the same, playing for a long time will have some boring.
  • 2

    The sandbox elements in Stardew Valley are not enough in the opinion of some demanding players.
  • 3

    There are problems with the movement controls, especially the buttons, which sometimes don't respond, and sometimes constantly remap themselves and move to different points on the screen at random.
Game Player
The Percentage of male and female gamers
The Percentage of male gamers
The Percentage of male gamers
The majority of gamers are age
Under 24 years old
24 to 30 years old
31 to 35 years old
36 to 40 years old
Over 41 years old
A Favorite Game For 18 to 23 years old
Ages 18 to 23 are the youngest players
A Favorite Game For 24 to 30 years old
Ages 24 to 30 are the youngest players
A Favorite Game For 31 to 40 years old
Ages 31 to 40 are the youngest players
A Favorite Game For 41 to 50 years old
Ages 41 to 50 are the youngest players
A Favorite Game For 50+ years old
Ages 50+ are the youngest players
Have you ever dreamed of owning a farm of your own in real life but can't for one reason or another? Well, Stardew valley throws you into rural farmland where you get the chance to farm, fish, raise livestock, mine, and combat, all in a bid to develop your farm and the town at large. I have played several games with a simulated real-life environment, but none of the experiences were as synchronous and absorbing as the one offered by Stardew Valley. Get the game to dabble in a world of beautiful new experiences! Stardew Valley is a role-playing video game where your character takes over their deceased grandfather's dilapidated farm located in a remote part of the Stardew Valley. You can either choose to consume your farm produce to gain more strength or donate to various community programs in the game as part of the effort to rebuild the city. If you choose the latter, you get the chance to find favor in the heart of 40 characters that inhabit the old town. Or better still, befriend as many characters as you can and maybe ultimately tie the knot with one of them. There are lots of activities to enjoy in this game. Its stimulating and original music will keep you bobbing your head without knowing it. The characters we mentioned earlier are ready to reveal secrets that help you quickly conquer the game levels. But Only if you get to befriend them, though. The game chooses simple pixelated graphics that says a lot with little, and you have the freedom to master the game at your pace. I promise you won't regret playing this game as several exciting experiences unparalleled by other role-playing games such as Animal Crossing awaits you in Stardew Valley's virtual town. One of the game's downsides is you might need a guide to navigate the game. Unfortunately, the game itself doesn't provide one. While this is disappointing, especially for players coming from the fruity world of Candy crush, where there's a guide to show you the clear next step to take in each level, you'll soon realize it is part of what makes the game stimulating. Not to worry, this Stardew valley guide is more than handy to show you how the game works. So, please read it and use the tip wisely. Game Mechanics The goal of Stardew Valley is for you to develop your Grandpa's land into a blossoming farm with different kinds of crops and restore the Community Center to its old glory. The game is built on a Season Deck of 20 cards, each drawn each turn to activate certain events in the game. The fun part is that you are allowed to carry out a range of activities (not just farming) to arrive at the end goal. You can embark on this task all by yourself or partner with a maximum of three other players. Each player contributes their quota towards achieving the set goals before the deck of cards runs out (the game ends then). At the start of a game, your character inherits a plot of land and a small house located in Pelican Town. You then go on to select any of the different farm types available. And that's where it gets interesting. Thanks to the nature of the game, you are allowed to enjoy a multitude of experiences such as: ● Growing crops ● Raising livestock ● Crafting tools ● mine, forage and explore caves with vital mineral resources ● sell your produce ● fish ● cook ● combat creatures ● expand the farm's buildings and facilities and; ● socialize with the townspeople(you could even get married and bear kids too!) So naturally, you will get to interact with non-player characters (NPCs) in the town. You are also allowed to engage in multiple quests and collect specific items to restore the town's Community Center. You can also pay specific amounts of money to complete JojaMart bundles, offering rewards like seeds and tools. When you meet multiple bundles grants, you get access to new areas of the game, like a desert, for instance. Whatever you do, it is essential to tailor your activities to your current health and exhaustion level and the time frame within the game. It would be best if you ate the kinds of food that boost your energy when completing arduous tasks such as combatting and mining or encountering situations that arise in the game. One other thing. There are also different seasons in the game. Each season lasts for a 28-days duration, during which you must complete the set task. Naturally, different kinds of crops, festivals, non-player characters, and birthdays come with each season. This underscores the fact that you have loads of options and experience to keep you engaged throughout the gameplay, which is interesting if you ask me. You have adequate rainfall and sunshine to keep your farm lively in the summer. But in the bleak winter, you may resolve to fishing, bonding with the charming bunch of characters, or treasure hunting in the mines.
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Role Playing
Latest Version:
2021-01-12 00:00:00
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