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Rovio Classics: AB
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Casual entertainment challenge classic Cartoon Anime Android
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This game has many advantages and disadvantages. Some of them are listed below. So let’s have a look at it from below.
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    This game has many advantages and disadvantages. Some of them are listed below.
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    This game has many advantages and disadvantages.
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    This game has many advantages and disadvantages. Some of them are listed below.
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    This game has many advantages and disadvantages.
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    This game has many advantages and disadvantages. Some of them are listed below.
  • Disadvantages
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    This game has many advantages and disadvantages. Some of them are listed below.
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    This game has many advantages and disadvantages.
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    This game has many advantages and disadvantages. Some of them are listed below.
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    This game has many advantages and disadvantages.
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    This game has many advantages and disadvantages. Some of them are listed below.
Someone stole your eggs and the only way to get them back is by riding a slingshot, chucking yourself in the air and destroying buildings with the thieving pigs that took your eggs. Yes, the classic is back, but its fiercer, angrier and more destructive than ever! The angry birds game goes back to its original slingshot interface that with the main goal of destroying all of the pigs that are on the various structures that are on the playing field. This game is a great exercise on trajectory and setting up angles because you need to be able to hit just the right spot in order to topple over the buildings where the pigs are stationed. This game has eight main sequences plus an additional golden egg level each with hundreds of game plays. Out good old favorite birds are available as well as other new additions that will surely make the game play more interesting and exciting. Each bird has its own special skill that can be leveled up as yo progress in the game. If you ever get stuck on level that is particularly hard or you have run out levels to play, this version has what is called the "mighty eagle" that can come to your rescue and will provide you with the help you need. But the game is not as easy as pulling on the slingshot and releasing it, the players should be able to use each shot wisely as there are only a limited number of birds per level. Additionally, the materials used for the structures get trickier as the game progresses. There are levels that additional obstacles that have to be overcome such as TNT crates and rocks or concrete. With each level unlocked the degree of difficulty also goes higher but challenge can be met with additional types of birds with very special skills. Some of the birds are made particularly to crush rocks and concrete, some explode upon impact and some other abilities can be unlocked and activated as the birds are flying through the air on the way to destroy the structures and obstacles along the way. Since the objective of the game is to destroy the structures to eliminate all the pigs stationed there in using only the birds for that particular level, if you have extra birds after having eliminated all the pigs, you will gain hefty bonus points. A failed level has to be repeated. Each completed level will be represented by three stars (depending on how you fared in that level) and a corresponding score. Players are encouraged to try and beat their previous star rating or previous scores by retrying the completed levels. Not only will this foster mastery of the game, but it will also provide additional insight on how to strategize for future levels. Plus having all three star ratings and high scores is definitely gives you bragging rights.
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Rovio Entertainment Corporation
Latest Version:
2022-05-04 00:00:00
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