Board Games
MONOPOLY - Classic Board Game
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Simulation casual strategy Android iOS
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This game has many advantages and disadvantages. Some of them are listed below. So let’s have a look at it from below.
  • Advantages
  • 1

    Monopoly is a classic board game loved by millions around the world. The game is easy to learn and can be fun for all ages.
  • 2

    It teaches players about money management, decision-making, and negotiation skills.Players can strategize and develop their own unique approaches to the game.
  • 3

    It can be played with just two people or up to eight players at once, making it a great option for parties or family game nights. The game has numerous variations and themes, including different cities and sports teams, keeping it fresh and exciting.
  • Disadvantages
  • 1

    The game can be time-consuming, with the average game taking up to three hours to complete.
  • 2

    It can be difficult for new players to compete against experienced players who know the ins and outs of the game. The game can spark arguments or disagreements among players over property deals and strategy.
Game Player
The Percentage of male and female gamers
The Percentage of male gamers
The Percentage of male gamers
The majority of gamers are age
Under 24 years old
24 to 30 years old
31 to 35 years old
36 to 40 years old
Over 41 years old
A Favorite Game For 18 to 23 years old
Ages 18 to 23 are the youngest players
A Favorite Game For 24 to 30 years old
Ages 24 to 30 are the youngest players
A Favorite Game For 31 to 40 years old
Ages 31 to 40 are the youngest players
A Favorite Game For 41 to 50 years old
Ages 41 to 50 are the youngest players
A Favorite Game For 50+ years old
Ages 50+ are the youngest players
With this official digital version of the immensely popular Monopoly board game, you can buy, negotiate and play your way to the top until you've become the richest person with the most real estate possession of them all! Monopoly - Classic Board Game is available both for Android and Apple phones and imitates the feeling that you get when you play the offline version of the Monopoly board game. In the game, you will have to compete with the other players to obtain as many cards as you can. Once you have an entire set of cards belonging to the same color, you can start building digital houses. As a result, other players will have to pay rent to you when they land on one of your belongings. Hence, the entire goal of the game is to obtain as much property as you can to make sure that the other players go bankrupt. When a player goes bankrupt, this player will no longer be able to participate in the game. So, it goes without saying that the player who manages to make all the other players go bankrupt will prove to be the ultimate victor in the end. Monopoly - Classic Board Game comes with all the features that the offline version generally comes with. This includes Community Chests and Chance cards. These cards can bring you a lot of luck or can be very unfortunate for you when you land on them but that all adds to the expense of the game. These features also include the Monopoly jail, the "go to jail", "go" where you can receive a bonus every time you pass it, "free parking", taxes, and so on. These features really ensure that you will fill like you're playing the authentic version of the Monopoly game, which will undoubtedly bring you intense feelings of nostalgia, coziness, and memories. As far as the game's interface goes, you can choose between different game modes. Each mode brings you to a new city around the globe. Hence, this makes the game remarkably diverse and versatile since it allows you to experience the game in relation to many different cities. This might not be relevant for your gameplay, but it's still an extremely fun feature. Finally, the game also has numerous game modes as regards playing the game itself. That is to say, you can enter the game in a "single player" mode, but you can also play in a multiplayer modus. When it comes to this second option, you generally have two options. More concretely, you can play with other players that you know in real life by choosing the option "online with friends". On the other hand, you can also opt for a multiplayer mode in which you will play with computer versions of other players. Finally, if you really want to play with your own friends and family in a thrilling monopoly game, you can also opt for "pass & play". This will all allow you to play the same game while only using one device that will be shared by all of you.
Other Information
Marmalade Game Studio
Latest Version:
2022-06-01 00:00:00
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