Educational Games
My City : High School
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Casual puzzle simulation iOS Android boys girls
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This game has many advantages and disadvantages. Some of them are listed below. So let’s have a look at it from below.
  • Advantages
  • 1

    The content of the game actually unfolds in a diverse way, allowing children to learn through play and explore freely, with no advertising in the game
  • 2

    It is an educational game that stimulates the curiosity of children and gives them a fascinating experience.
  • Disadvantages
  • 1

    The game can not be cached resulting in many players missing characters, the game will also appear stuck screen, and will also flash back to the main page, there will be a black screen phenomenon.
  • 2

    Many players take a long time to load, and the game loads slowly, resulting in a poor experience when playing the game.
Experience the fun of going to school in a simulation game with lots of classmates, and you can also experience a very interesting experience in school with a fun and rewarding experience, if your child is not yet in daycare, then this game is a great way for them to experience school and discover new things to learn, this game adds a lot of fun so that your child can have a fun learning experience in this My City : High School game has a fun learning experience like no other, where there is quite a lot of knowledge and playability for them to explore freely, allowing your child to grow up healthy and develop a proper outlook on their life in this school simulation game. There are many exciting lessons waiting to be explored in the school, such as experiencing a science lesson about stimulating students' interest in exploring the world, or an art lesson about experiencing the aesthetics of creation-based art, as well as a physical education lesson about strengthening the body, there is quite a lot of playability here. There are no rules or restrictions on how to play this game, this highly entertaining teaching game will take you through the fun of school, you can interact freely in a variety of ways, you can explore 9 different locations in this My City : High School game to create your own interesting story, you can immerse yourself in a lesson that is full of knowledge and engaging, you can also You can conduct science experiments and have the freedom to perform various experiments in the game. Each course has their own unique features and unique knowledge where you can completely immerse yourself in the fun knowledge lessons in the game, if your child is still a relatively young toddler then these things may take some time to fully grasp the concept. When your child wants to experience a little casual fun, then you can choose to interact with different characters in casual entertainment places like the school cafeteria, where you can create your own stories.
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My Town Games Ltd
Latest Version:
2021-10-12 00:00:00
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